The 82nd message from Canada

Published on 23 June 2015 at 19:34

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"When I wake up and get dressed I go downstairs. Clinton and Kaytlyn have been awake for a while but they let us sleep in. Kaitlyn goes out to get eggs to make a delicious breakfast for us.

When I check my email I get a message from the car rental company that the car I had booked to drive to Vancouver is not available. It is damaged and can only be provided by the end of the week and they have no other cars available. That is very frustrating. Other car rental companies we try are also unable to help.

Soon we find a solution: I will take the Prairie Shuttle, a daily bus to Calgary, and I will rent a car there. This even seems to be a cheaper option!

Now that I'm feeling at ease I continue to work on my blog. Some men come to the house to take down a pergola and they could use some help so Sann and I help them out.

The rest of the day I spend on my computer. Time flies. Unfortunately Kaytlyn doesn't feel too well at the end of the day and has a sore throat and she doesn't join us to the restaurant where they serve a fine first-class steak. Clinton, Sann and I go. Clinton and I want to go to the jazz festival afterwards because he still has free tickets. The food is perfect and we are having such a good time, the hours fly by. Clinton says: “What the heck, we're so comfortable here let's have a glass of wine”. I have a cup of coffee.

When we get back to the house we leave the car behind and Clinton and I walk to the jazz festival. As we get in we just hear the closing announcement and I have to laugh. Well at least we didn't miss that part. Clinton laughs. We still have fun for a couple of hours and I meet several of Clinton's acquaintances.

By the time we get back home it's already past midnight. Still Clinton and I sit down and have some more conversation on the patio behind his house. There are valuable moments in which Clinton and I feel free to be open with each other. Very special and I have to say that I really appreciate this man. Maybe because he's not just smart but he is also very open. He is a real cowboy with a good heart. Kaytlyn definitely is a great match for him. She is not only a sweetheart and very caring but certainly very smart. In short they are a beautiful couple. Kaytlyn has been in bed already four hours before we decide to turn in as well.

I hesitate for a minute because I have to get up at 6 AM and right now it is 4:35 AM and the birds are already singing. Maybe I should try and get some sleep anyway..."


Han Schomakers, editor

Translation by Sytske van der Veen

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