The 69th message from Canada: Report of stage #39

Published on 12 June 2015 at 20:42

Friday, June 12, 2015

Yesterday, Sann and Michael did not bike much. Today they are going to tackle the next stage:

"After breakfast we pack our things. The TV is still on and suddenly Sann shouts out: “We are on TV!” I'm just able to the film part of it.


When we are all packed up we stop by the bicycle store, because Sann lost the water bottle for his bike. When I arrive, I hand one of the two owners, who helped us yesterday, a key ring of Holland. His parents were Dutch and this makes him very happy. They give both of us a free water bottle! We then bike through Regina to find a supermarket to buy some bread etc. After our groceries we finally start our journey. It is 10 AM.

We have to bike straight across the city and the wind is suddenly picking up. Past the edge of town we quickly find ourselves back on the open prairie. From there, it takes us another half an hour to get back to highway one.

The cycling is tough because we a riding against a 20-40 km/hr wind and the road is slightly uphill.


After two hours of cycling we have only covered about 25 km. We take a break before we go on again. It is quite challenging and we don't talk much. Even today we see some interesting transports on the road when a truck passes us with a trailer that is almost losing its cargo. There don't seem to be many rules around transports here…


Sann and I have something to drink in a restaurant before we set out to cover the last 29 km. Not far from Moose Jaw the flat prairie landscape changes back into rolling hills. It is beautiful and a welcome change.


At around 3:30 PM we arrive in Moose Jaw but it takes us some time before we have found the address of our accommodation for the night which Sann found on the website. Half an hour later we have found it.


We are at Kari’s house who lives there with her son and her daughter. She is busy preparing packs of fresh homegrown vegetables for tomorrow’s market. Within minutes I help her to get everything done. Her friend Uma and her father are also there. They are all very nice people. No sooner have we finished than the threatening thunderstorms are starting to roll in and they are pretty wild...


Kari offers us a delicious meal and we feel truly spoiled. We will be staying the night at a friend’s house because Kari unfortunately can’t accommodate us today. After dinner we help her with some more work in her basement and have conversations about following your heart and other important things in life.

At 9 o'clock we go to her friend Danielle’s house where we are also received with open arms. Sann and I each get a room in the basement, we can do our laundy, have a shower you name it!

All this makes me not go to bed until 11 o'clock, but it has been a fantastic day!"


Han Schomakers, editor

Translation by Sytske van der Veen

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